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Mental Health Booster Session - for anyone: MHFAers and those looking to boost their Mental Health skills (Group Session)

Mental Health Booster Session - for anyone: MHFAers and those looking to boost their Mental Health skills (Group Session)

The Mental Health Booster Session includes:

  • Virtual option with up to 30 participants
  • 2.5 hours of facilitated instruction

Course Description:

Time to go Beyond the Basics: Further explore Mental Health First Aid, Self-Regulation, Boundaries, Triggers, and Practice.

Empower your Mental Health skills with our Booster Session! Dive deeper into self-regulation, set healthy boundaries, navigate triggers, and refresh your toolkit. Elevate your ability to provide crucial support in times of need.

Increase your impact at work and beyond!

Experience a Mental Health Booster Session: Enhance your skills in self-regulation, fortify boundaries, navigate triggers, and refresh essential tools. Elevate your mental health support capabilities for a more resilient and empathetic approach.

Course Outline:

- Welcome and overview of the booster session
- Brief recap of Mental Health First Aid principles
- Setting the tone for a supportive and interactive learning environment

Real Self-Care Essentials or Self Regulation (THE STACK)
- Redefining self-care beyond the basics
- Practical strategies for maintaining mental well-being
- Personal reflection exercises and group sharing

The Art of Non-Judgmental Support
- Understanding the impact of judgment in mental health support
- Empathy-building exercises
- Strategies for fostering a non-judgmental mindset

Navigating Boundaries and Triggers
- Identifying and setting healthy boundaries in mental health aid
- Recognizing personal triggers and managing emotional responses
- Case studies and group discussions on challenging scenarios

Exploring New Resources
- Introduction to updated mental health resources
- Online tools, apps, and community support networks
- Recommendations for staying informed and connected

Integration and Action Planning 
- Group reflection on key takeaways
- Action planning for implementing new skills
- Sharing personal commitments to ongoing growth in mental health support

Q&A and Closing Remarks
- Addressing participant questions and concerns
- Providing additional resources for further learning
- Expressing gratitude for active participation and commitment to mental health advocacy

Three easy steps to get your team trained:

  1. Choose your date
  2. Send us participant's names and email address
  3. We find a facilitator that specializes in your industry 

 Instructors are certified by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, a non-profit organization created by the Government of Canada.

 - Our experienced instructors have a wide range of expertise in different professional fields: healthcare, military veterans, policing and even lawyers.  We have the right facilitator for you and your team.

- It costs $1600+hst to run a Mental Health Booster Session with up to 30 participants. 

- Each session is approximately 2.5 Hours. 

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